Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Windsor

2490 McDougall

The old streamlined moderne factory building at 2490 McDougall is living on borrowed time. The building lost its canopy over the front door, and had many elements painted over and covered up. The building is a non-descript beige. This photo above shows the building in April, 2007. Seven years ago it was still white, and had its tile accents visible, and looked original, if not a little run down.
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Theodule Giradot Esq

THEODULE GIRADOT ESQ Was born at Arthesaus, France, Feb 12, 1824. Appointed to a position on the faculty of Assumption College and was principal of the school for five years, being succeeded by the Basillian Fathers in 1870. In 1871 he was appointed public school inspector…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Samuel Smith MacDonell Esq

SAMUEL SMITH MacDONELL Was District Clerk in 1850 and 1851, and was Reeve of the Village of Windsor from 1854 to 1857, and elected the first Mayor of Windsor in 1858, and again in the years 1864, 1865, 1866 and 1867; Warden of the County of Essex for the years 1855 and 1856.
Old PhotographsWindsor

J.C. Patterson

The namesake of the late downtown High School Patterson C.I., taken from From Frederick Neal’s “The Township of Sandwich” published in 1909: HON J.C. PATTERSON Represented Essex in the Ontario Legislature in 1875; was warden of Essex in 1878 and was also first elected to the Dominion Parliament the same year. He was Minister of Militia during the regime of John A. Macdonald. James Colebrooke…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

2287 Victoria Avenue

I’ve always been a fan of this house at 2287 Victoria Avenue. I like the offset entryway, it’s a more unique design in Windsor residential construction. I don’t know much about the house, the photo above ran in the Border Cities Star in December, 1931, it…
Old PhotographsWindsor

James Dougall Esq

From Frederick Neal’s “The Township of Sandwich” published in 1909: JAMES DOUGALL ESQ Was born in Paisley, Scotland, September 23, 1810, and emigrated to Canada in 1828. Engaged in the mercantile business in Perth and Toronto, and in 1830 moved to Windsor…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Tecumseh & Pelissier - 1929

Happy Wednesday everyone, and also the last post of April. Today’s shot is looking west [urrrr… thanks for pointing that error out Tom] East along Tecumseh Road from the intersection of Pelissier (Victoria Ave is the boulevard in the extreme foreground). This shot from September 1929, shows the recently built Kennedy CI on the grounds of the old Windsor Jockey Club. The old horse track…
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Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Ojibway Tornado - June 17, 1946

OJIBWAY, ONT – An unidentified man sits dejectedly amid the ruin caused by the tornado which struck here yesterday evening (6/17). CREDIT (ACME PHOTO) 6/17/46 Today’s photo comes from longtime reader Luc B., who sent along this photo and wondered if anyone…