DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Hard To Believe...

If there is one thing I never thought I would see, it is the renovation/restoartion of the Ransom Gillis House at 205 Alfred. Built in 1876, it was designed by architects Brush & Mason. Here are some recent pictures of the home. August 2002: (What ever happened to the street signs? As you can see they’ve been missing for a few years) June 2003: July 2003: August 2005: January…
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DetroitOld PhotographsPostcards

Sincerely yours, Richard W. Reading

MAYOR RICHARD W. READING’S WORK MUST GO IN! Under the Reading administration the city’s total bonded indebtedness has been reduced $15,123,406! Under the Reading administration traffic fatalities have been cut 41%! Dick Reading, for his elimination of sit-down…
DetroitOld PhotographsPhoto Du Jour

Eastland Mall - Original Proposal

** Welcome Wikipedians! ** Eastland Mall on Eight Mile Rd., in Harper Woods, was built in 1957. Originally an open air mall, it was later enclosed and became just like every other mall. The main anchor tenant was J.L. Hudson’s. However the Eastland built in 1957, differed greatly from the original plan in 1950. It was designed by Gruen & Krummeck, architects. In this new 100-acre…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Burroughs Adding Machine Plant - Plymouth, MI

While out in Plymouth the other day I came across this factory. Designed by Albert Kahn in 1938, this building housed the Burroughs Adding Machine. It served as both offices and a factory. It is a striking building and looks much younger than 68 years old. One of…

Robert Holmes - 1913-2006

Photo c. 2006 – The Detroit News Teamsters founder ‘a real man of steel’ Bobby Holmes fought with former union chief Hoffa for ‘justice on the job’ since the 1930s. Eric Lacy / The Detroit News Robert W. “Bobby” Holmes, one of the…