Going though some old photos from 2004, I came across these shots of the old, now long gone underpass on Wyandotte, just east of Walker Road. This one is long gone and all filled in. Sometimes it’s hard to remember the things that used to be around, even just a few years ago…
Recent Comments:
- John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “Christine: Your message is totally flooring me. Thought I’d check my old grade school – John Ross – and found…” Sep 6, 18:04on
- John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “wow, it was so good to see my old public school. And Miss Sternbauer, your comments were so great. You…” Sep 5, 11:39on
- Windsor’s Biggest Architectural Loss: “What a crime that this was demolished. The city has gone downhill ever since. You take out Catholic religious, and…” Aug 2, 21:30on
- 435 Mill Street – 1957: “I remember this building. The bus would stop and the driver would get off, taking the coin dispenser with him.…” Jul 22, 12:54on
- White’s Restaurant & The Elbow Room – 33 Pitt Street East: “Ooh, “Scientifically AIR-CONDITIONED”.” Jul 15, 06:13on
I sent you a photo related to this bridge. Don’t know if I have the correct email address. Could not activate the contact form on your bio page. Let me know if you got it.
I believe these underpasses were constructed by Standard Paving and Supply (formerly Merlo, Merlo and Ray)
Not according to the plaque that was there.