An old look back at the north east corner of Ouellette and Park. The old Prince Edward Hotel sat on the corner, it was demolished as replaced with the Scotia Bank branch there today. Windsor has lost a great many buildings over the years, but it’s these tall massive ones like the Prince Edward and the Norton Palmer that hurt the most. While they may not have been the fanciest or most ornate, they brought something to the city in their scale and massing that has yet to be replaced or replicated.
Recent Comments:
- Detroit Police Country Club – Wheatley – 1926: “George Crewe’s information is not accurate. I have seen the architect’s plans for this facility. A central feature is a…” Feb 8, 14:08on
- Chinee Villa: “Was excellent food! Anyone who claims not to have been impressed is just speaking on behalf of an inferior competitor.” Jan 26, 15:35on
- St. Dennis Hall: “Hubby, myself and a bunch of union folk attended that Feb ’80 Harry Chapin concert at St. Dennis Hall. WOSH…” Jan 22, 17:31on
- Hi-Ho: “ the number of errors in the history of the fast food driv-n inWindsor in Windsor Ontario are to numerous…” Jan 1, 12:44on
- Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?” Nov 7, 09:49on
Agreed. The density of downtown is shameful. The buildings that replaced these ones are not even worth mentioning…sad.
I had my wedding reception there in 1953…a lovely place.
And all the proms for Assumption College during the ’50s.
I Heard on the news last night that some one is finally going to build a 3 story building in that empty lot at park and Ouellette apparently a restaurant on the ground floor (I hope not another dam shawarma joint)and a bar or nite club on the higher floor “like we need more bars downtown”compared to the earlier years the downtown core is pathedic
Further to that new restaurant, what’s interesting is that the Windsor Club posted an RFP on March 1st for a new location that had parking to accommodate up to 200 guests and they are willing to sign up to a 20 year lease. Horowitz said in the Windsor Star that the new location will be “very high end” with a catwalk connecting to the rear parking garage. What other “very high end” restaurant and nightclub could you think of that could fit that profile in downtown?? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that these two announcements are almost two weeks apart.