going, going, gone...Windsor

HighwayTavern – 592 Dougall

The old Highway Tavern at the corner of Wyandotte and Dougall, which oddly enough actually has a Dougall Avenue municipal address, is likely not long for this world. This old place, built into a large old residential property, recently had a demolition permit requested. The 1923 directory lists it as a side by side duplex, while the 1937 fire maps show it as the Highway Hotel. It probably became a tavern about the time that prohibition was repealed, and it looks like it kept its name the whole time.

Traces of the building’s past can still be seen up top.

The building run half a block long, from the alley to Dougall along Wyandotte street.

The section with the “Coors Light” sign was once a Chinese laundry, while the part on the end that housed Kathy’s kitchen looks to have initially been a pharmacy in the mid 1920’s.

Not sure what the plans exactly are for the property or if the demolition will actually occur. There have been many instances over the years where a permit is issued, but nothing ever happens. I guess we’ll have to wait and see on this one….

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