Going through some old photos, I came across this one shot October 23, 2003. It shows the old Police Headquarters and the under construction parking lot where the old court house once stood. Amazing how much has vanished in the last decade…
Recent Comments:
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- White’s Restaurant & The Elbow Room – 33 Pitt Street East: “Ooh, “Scientifically AIR-CONDITIONED”.” Jul 15, 06:13on
But not amazed it is a parking lot. BTW: Does ANYONE like that concrete barricade…I mean, police HQ downtown?
Sorry OT. Andrew, did you notice that the bronze plaque was removed/stolen from the stone gate at MicMac Park.
I quite like the new Police headquarters. Looks like a KEEP downtown… many levels, and very ‘big city’ like.
Although on here quite some time ago, there was a post on the old headquarters, and during demo they revealed part of the original structure? Neat stuff. Don’t know what went through people’s heads in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and even today to COVER UP ALL CHARACTER AND BEAUTY AND REPLACE IT WITH UGLINESS.
“Don’t know what went through people’s heads in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and even today to COVER UP ALL CHARACTER AND BEAUTY AND REPLACE IT WITH UGLINESS.”
Modernism. It’s very marketable to people whom know nothing.
/\ I guess!
So so so so sad.
I remember the old police HQ.
I don’t mind the Goyeau side of the new police HQ, but I hate the Pitt side of the building.
looks like city halls comin down and being replaced by a stucco box
No matter what we say or do, the stucco behemoth marches on.
Mississauga and Warren Michigan both have interesting new City Halls. It sounds like Eddy wants to go cheap. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MississaugaCityHall.jpg
those are interesting designs.. doubt we’ll get anything good though