
A.S. Boyle Co. – Campbell & College

This past summer I spent some time at the Windsor Community Archives in the basement of the Windsor Public Library on Ouellette. There is a real treasure trove of local history down there. While there I was browsing through the J.C. Pennington collection, when I saw a listing for the A.S. Boyle Co. Not being familiar with this particular business, I made a request to see the blueprints.

The site plan, revealed a big factory complex planned for the n.w. corner of Campbell & College. Plans showed a labratory building to be built on the corner along with a boiler house and a wax & freezone building, with a large space to the west side of the property reserved for “future extension”.

The planned building was idealy located, with a planned siding from the Essex Terminal to the rear, and with a street car line out front.

It looks like it would have been a pretty substantial factory, at 4 1/2 stories. I looked through my files, but I couldn’t find anything at hand on the A.S. Boyle Company, and what they did. Not sure if they were an existing company with expansion plans, or a new start up… Maybe someone out there had a relative that worked for them?

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To put it in perspective, here’s the site today. It would have occupied the site of the Esso/Mac’s (BTW – what ever happened to Winks?), with the Beer Store property being part of the future expansion area.

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