Essex CountyLost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesRenderings

Essex County Sanitorium

From the Evening Record – January 18, 1913:

    Border Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, have at last reached the summit of success in awarding the contract for the above building. They have met with discouragement and opposition from all sides, oftentimes personal prejudice and delays from most unexpected sources, yet they persevered, knowing the great need of an institution of its kind and, and should be congratulated upon their attainment. The splendid building has been designed by Mr. Gilbert Jacques, one of the city’s leading architects, who had devoted a great deal of time and thought in making a thorough investigation as to what was most practical and suitable. His plan were readily accepted by the Provincial Board of Health as meeting all the requirements of the health laws. Mr. Jacques has most generously contributed his work and services to the good cause, the value of which cannot be overestimated, and the highest commendation is due him for his magnificent gift. The contract has been let to D.H. McKay of Kingsville for $13,000, his tender being the lowest received. The splendid property of sixteen acres has been purchased for $8,000, which with $12,000 on hand represents a total of $18,000 collected by the ladies, who now propose to increase the amount to $25,000 for further expense in furnishing and putting the sanatorium in good financial shape. With the work now started a more liberal response from those who have so generously and nobly encouraged the work will enable the Daughters of the Empire to add a valuable asset to Essex County and provide relief and benefit to those afflicted with the dead disease.

    The dimensions of the municipal building are 37 feet by 34 feet. It is to be constructed of pine with cement foundation and wings with cement piers. The ground floor will consist of wide (sic) central hall with stairway, reception room, main dining room, patient’s dining room, serving pantry, kitchen, halls leading to wings which will accommodate four patients in each wing and toilet and bath. The second floor, for the use of the house physician, matron and servants, contains five rooms with a bath. Floors throughout of oak, maple and Georgia pine. The basement has a modern laundry, heater room, fuel room, vegetable cellar, and fumigating room. The building will be heated by steam, the heating plant being adequate for any further addition to the building. It will be lighted by electricity and painted white. The sanatorium will be located in the central part of the property, about 250 feet from the embankment, facing the south, and so placed as to have all further addition to wings (sic) with southern exposure; the verandahs (sic) to be 8 feet wide, each room having a door opening on them. Ample room will be left for the erection of tents or shacks.

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The building was built in 1913 in Union, located between Kingsville and Leamington, and today, little more than an intersection…

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The building burned down in 1920, and was moved to Windsor, and reopened in 1922. The site is today better known as IODE/Western Hospital.


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