
The Commodore Supper Club

A recent addition to the collection… This postcard is one I hadn’t seen before…

From the back of the card:


    25 Chatham St., East
    Downtown Windsor, Canada
    Tel. CL 3-0427

    Famous for Steaks, Chops & Sea Food
    Featuring Dancing and Top Flight Entertain-
    ment Nightly. Business men’s luncheon served
    from noon daily.

The building still stands, and is today better known as the former home of Jason’s, currently home to Danny’s strip club. The building has a long history as an entertainment venue. Some history can be found here in this post from July, 2007.

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Looking at the current photos of the place, it looks like the frame around the “Commodore” sign in the 1950’s postcard is still there today, as the frame around the giant ugly awning.

It’s a shame that the 1950’s design didn’t survive, with the window and planter on the main floor tavern space… today the building is just an ugly mishmash of crap.In my opinion it is tired looking and a bit of an eyesore. There’s not must much that is visually pleasing on the Chatham St. facade.

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