
St. Edward’s School

Located on the west end of Sandwich is the former St. Edward’s School at the corner of King St. and Prince Rd.

The Border Cities Star, May 3, 1929 edition makes reference to a new unnamed four room school to be built in Sandwich.

Plans for a four room fire proof school to be built at Prince and King Street for the Sandwich Spearte School Board are being prepared by Albert J. Lothian, Windsor architect, and tenders will be advertised for in about 10 days. The estimated structural cost the school is $33,000, and the five acre site cost is approximately $2,500 an acre. …

There was a note in the article about how the school was designed for future expansion, but it looks like the original portion never went beyond the four rooms. There is a low lying 1960’s era addition all around the school, perhaps the student growth didn’t come for many years. Anyone out there have any memories of this school?

I found it interesting that St. Edward’s which was scheduled to have construction commence by June 1, 1929, features the same architectural detailing…

As the Nash Dealership (now Hoa Viet) which opened June 6, 1929, also designed by Albert Lothian…

I suspect that both these buildings were on his drafting table about the same time… 😉

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