To International Metropolis…
Six years ago, on June 12, 2003 International Metropolis was launched.
I found the image above, so don’t ask why there’s seven candles on the cake that says six…
A few stats on the site:
970 Posts
Approx. 4,500 images posted
In 2008, had 415,406 Visitors & 1,178,363 Total Pageviews.
Thank you to everyone who checks in and comments, your interest and participation is really what makes the site what it is.
Thanks everyone!
congrats Andrew!
Happy Blog Day!
Congratulations Andrew..this is the first blog I check in the morning, need to focus these old eyes and pictures are easier than words! It is the history of the city through architecture that I really appreciate.
Oh! Six candles to mark the passage of time and one to wish on for the future = 7 candles!
Happy Blog Day, Old Boy! 6 years is quite the accomplishment in the Blogging Business. I hope I can pull off that feat!
Happy BlogDay Andrew! just wanted to let you know that IM has inspired me with a whole new appreciation for history and architecture, especially in this region. Without your daily snapshot into the past, I probably would have still thought that stucco looked ok. Here’s to 6 great years, and hopefully many more to come. Cheers.
Great work Andrew and congratulations on 6 years.
I love this site and to those who it has brought me into contact with. It is wonderful what the blogging community can do when we all work together towards common goals. This site has helped to do that many times.
Regardless of whether I agree with all posts or not I am glad to have the exchange of ideas and debates with others.
Cheers to everyone and thanks to Andrew for his hard work and dedication!
My hat’s off to you Andrew. Your blog is an amazing accomplishment that is changing many people’s perceptions of their surroundings.
Would that I could have 10% of the energy you put into it…
Congratulations and a big thank you Andrew!
I have just recently discovered your site and I really enjoy it. I especially like the pics from the old days. And when I say old days, I mean the 1960’s and before!
And it’s a great site, Andrew, keep up the good work!
Happy Birthday! So, what do you think of that Victorian mansion with the several turrets being built at Victoria and Beale?
/ Six tears already!? m./890
Whoops, bad time to clean the crumbs off my keyboard. I meant to add congratulations. Six years of consistent quality and great content have made this one of my favourite sites. I have learned a lot about local history from your efforts and from the feedback that inspires. Thanks!
Add a few more years if you want to count the Old-Detroit website, which is where I first met Andrew and his then new postcard/photo collection.
Happy blogday!
7 candles – 6 plus one for good luck.
Congrats on reaching a milestone. Keep up your beautiful work. Love the site.
WEll done, so glad I found this site, like Urbanrat I check it everyday love all the old stuff and comments.
gread job keep up the excellant work, often wonder how you get all the great inside pictures.