
More Ward Boundary

Seeing as I’m too lazy to type up my own post, I’ll just copy Chris’ post from Scaledown this morning, about today’s Scaledown Radio Show…

Listen in at CJAM 91.5 FM from Noon to 1:00 or if you’re outside of the listening area, listen to the live stream online at


Today, we will be interviewing Dr. Robert Williams, the consultant working on Windsor’s Ward Boundary Review. With the importance of this exercise for the political future of our city, and so many options available to us, we thought we would talk to this former Political Science professor from the University of Waterloo about the process as well as the choices our city council will be making when the final report goes before them sometime in May.

So tune in the first half hour to listen to the interview, and then get on the phone lines to join in the discussion directly afterwards. We look forward to a lively show!

ScaleDown Radio is broadcast weekly every Monday from noon until 1:00 PM on CJAM 91.5 FM. Call in from Windsor at 519-971-3630, or toll free from Detroit at 963-6112, extension 3630.

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