Bernie Drouillard CollectionEssex County

Streetcar Friday

To the County today, and a little Inter-Urban history.

As usual, if it has to do with streetcar, and history, we need to thank John and Bernie for digging them up.

The first shot shows an inter-urban car passing the corner of Division & Main St. in downtown (or because its the county – Uptown) Kingsville. This shot c. 1907

This shot from around 1910, shows the powerhouse and car barns in Kingsville. The Windsor Car Barns were located on Chatham St., between Glengarry & Aylmer.

Believe it or not, the old powerhouse in Kingsville is still standing. There are a few shots of the powerhouse today, available for viewing on John’s flickr account here.

Now used for storage of some kind, this part of local history sits by the lake, without any recognition of the important and progressive part it played in the history of Windsor and Essex County.

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