
Pecha Kucha Windsor


Tonight at Artcite, 109 University Ave. West, there is going to be Windsor’s first Pecha Kucha (a.k.a. Talk20) event.

talk20 is the North American name for a public lecture format conceived in 2003 by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham and known elsewhere in the world as Pecha Kucha, the Japanese phrase for the sound of
conversation. The format: each presenter shows twenty slides; each slide remains on screen for twenty seconds (thus, each presenter speaks for six minutes and forty seconds total). The short time afforded each
speaker and the quick turnover of speakers allows a dialogue to form between disparate presentations without the audience having time to get bored. As these nights are often centred around a common theme, for our first instalment we will have a rather broad theme of “our town”: what we love about Windsor, what we hate, our perspective on the challenges currently faced by our community, how to fix it.

For the first event, six presenters will speak:

Mita Williams (Leddy Library, University of Windsor): “The City as Playground”

Justin Langlois (MFA Candidate in Visual Arts, University of Windsor): “How to Fix the City: Social Practice in Windsor”

Pina Ciotoli and Adriano Ciotoli (co-owners, “Eat Your City”

Andrew Foot ( “Architectural Desecration”

Tom Lucier (owner, Phog Lounge): “No More Bemoaning: Growing Windsor’s Creative Class”

Rod Strickland (Professor, School of Visual Arts, University of Windsor): “Open Corridor”

It should be an interesting evening. So come on out and check it out.

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