NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Descent Of The Holy Ghost

A few shots from Doors Open last month. Today we visit the Descent of The Holy Ghost Romainian Orthodox Church on Seminole Ave, just east of the intersection with Drouillard.

Built in the 1930’s the Church features an onion dome, and during doors open, the congreation allowed visitors inside during a baptism.

The Church is laid out in a cross pattern

I was shocked at how small it was on the inside. From the street it looks larger than it is inside.

The amount of art work on the screens behind the altar are simply outstanding.


Also be sure to tune in today at Noon on CJAM 91.5, as I guest host Scaledown radio with Chris Holt.

Today’s show is a litte different as it is pledge break time.

We’ll have A-Channel’s Jim Crichton and CBC’s Tony Doucette in studio with us, as we talk about the importance of community radio, and a bit about how they got into brodcasting.

If you wanted to make a donation to CJAM, they have some nice incentives this year, see the details at

So please, if you can, call in (in Windsor: 519.971.3630, or in Detroit: 963.6112 ext: 3630) between noon and 1:00 this Monday (or contribute online at and help ScaleDown and CJAM continue to provide Windsor and Detroit with quality programming that you would be hard-pressed to find anywhere else.

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