Photo Du JourWindsor

Windsor From Above

Doors open, was nice this past weekend.

I’ll cover some I the sites I got to visit later in the week. Today, however are a few shots of Windsor taken from the 14th floors of the CIBC building, home to the Windsor Club.

Excuse the glare on some of the photos, those are from the chairs in the restaurant…

Dieppe Park and the Bistro by the river, home of the fug beacon.

Who knew our pals at the Daimler Chrysler Chrysler, LLC tower had an outdoor deck in the sky…

Looking southeast over City Hall and the Barn…

Someone needs to get on the roof of the Travelodge and trim the bush…

Looking east along Riverside Dr. Look at all the paved area. It’s kind of sad so much land has been given over to cement and blacktop.

Looking west.

Looking down at the old railroad barge lifts. You can see the Spirit of Windsor Train, is wrapped up and undergoing renovation.

A panorama view looking south.

A view of the site of the new TD bank. You can see the Petretta Construction signs on the old Royal Bank building. A view from above gives you a good idea of the footprint of new building.

As I said above, stay tuned for more Doors Open sites later this week.

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