Today we had back in time to the corner of the Elliott and Goyeau, where the former Patterson C.I. stood from 1888 until it was demolished in 1979. The School closed in 1973. Photo above dates to 1961.

A post card view of the school prior to construction of the annex. The annex was built in 1917. This postcard was postmarked 1905.

From a photo album dated 1920, here is a shot of the school.

And the annex, also from 1920.

From the August 6, 1936 issue of the Windsor Daily Star:


The two remaining towers on the Patterson Collegiate Institute, which have been standing for forty years, will be leveled off within the next few weeks. One of the two towers is shown above, over the entrance. The main tower, in front of the Collegiate, was removed several years ago. The towers have become dangerous, and school board officials decided to authorize their removal.

Towerless Patterson can been seen in the photo below, c. 1974.

Despite the school closing in 1973, the alumni still held the 120th anniversary reunion this past summer in Windsor. There are some neat photos on their site, including the one above.

The site is still on-line if you’re interested in checking it out.

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