Photo Du JourWindsor

Cadillac Street

So the East Windsor Co-generation plant, that is being built beside the Albert Kahn designed Ford Power House is progressing. In the meanwhile, they have been buying up the houses along Cadillac Street, and knocking them down.

This multi-colored cinderblock duplex was at the south end of Cadillac.

This great looking craftsman styled house fell as well. IMO the nicest old house on the block.

The house north of the Craftsman.

Two very similar houses just south of Riverside.

This house, is on the corner of Riverside and Cadillac. The property owner is involved in quite the battle to get her property sold. She has a blog documenting the process here: Check it out, it make for an interesting read.

Looking north up Cadillac toward Riverside.

This shot is from the summer of 2007. As you can see the block was quite dense with many houses. All of them to be wiped out in less than a year.

There is truly something rotten to the core with a city that allows this kind of old solid housing stock to be wiped out, yet it gleefully throws up crappy ass subdivisions in every empty field.

Somethings gotta give soon… Otherwise we’re all in serious trouble.

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