Photo Du JourWindsor

And another one gone, and another one gone…

Another one bites the dust…

Hey, I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

I still cannot believe the way the whole thing went down. Even beyond that I cannot believe that what you see in the photos above doesn’t violate some kind of by law for an unsecured demolition site. The little orange plastic fence does little to secure the site, and the tons of debris loosely kept off the sidewalk, I’m certain is 100% safe.

If the city had any balls, or integrity they would be down at the site with a ticket book tomorrow.

Maybe everyone should complain about the dangerous unsecured site to 311?

Call them, or visit online or email them complaints about the site. There must be a fine of some sort that needs to be levied on the site.


As for the vigil, I didn’t get there until about 9:30, after the media had been and gone.

It seemed like there was a decent turn out, and it was great to see Councilors Halberstadt and Valnetinis at the vigil.

Kudos’s to Chris Holt @ for getting this organized on such quick notice.

In case you missed here, here was tonight’s broadcast:


Edit – As an addition, perhaps if anyone feels so inclined, a quick letter or e-mail to The Honourable Aileen Carroll, the Minister of Culture for Ontario is in order.

Let the Minister know that Windsor ignored the rules set out in the Ontario Heritage Act.

Contact information is as follows:

Ministry of Culture
900 Bay Street
5th Floor, Mowat
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2

If you wish to write to the Minister of Culture, you can send your letter to the above address or send an e-mail to the Minister’s attention to

Since the City obviously doesn’t give a rat’s ass about protecting our Heritage Sites, bringing the demolition and the underhanded way it transpired to the attention of the Minister can’t hurt anything.

Don’t forget to contact your local MPP’s as well:

Dwight Duncan, M.P.P.-Windsor-Tecumseh
Queen’s Park
7 Queen’s Park Crescent
7th floor
Toronto, ON, M7A 1Y7
Phone: (416) 325-0400
Fax: (416) 325-0374

Constituency Office
4808 Tecumseh Rd. East
Windsor, ON, N8T 1B8
Phone: (519) 251-5199
Fax: (519) 251-5299


or –

Sandra Pupatello, M.P.P.-Windsor-West

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
8th floor Hearst Block
900 Bay Street
M7A 2E1
Phone 416-325-6900
Fax 416-325-6918

Constituency Office
1483 Ouellette Ave.
Windsor, ON, N8X 1K1
Fax: 519-977-7029


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