
Hello? Anyone paying attention?

The Detroit News today had an article entitled “Woe is Windsor

Maybe this will open some eyes:

Hello Eddie Francis? Hello Larry Horowitz? Look at the results above. Do you see that? Can we plase now stop trying to make our city into a playground for Americans? How about we work on making it a destination for actual residents of this city? A little retail would be nice, how about making business taxes a little more reasonable? Maybe if they were Anne’s would still be “On The Avenue” instead of in a strip mall in Tecumseh.

P.S. – STOP FUNDING EVENTS LIKE THE GRAND PRIX! Instead of pissing away my tax dollars across the river on events that bring NO benefit to Windsor, why don’t you put that money into our Libraries, I think they need funding too… Too bad you’ve rammed through a few more years of funding huh?

Take a gander at a few of the comments on the Detroit News Cyber Survey:


No, I don’t go to Canada anymore period. Two years ago, while trying to cross the bridge with my family to attend a yearly family picnic, despite the fact that my spouse and I had plenty of ID, we were pulled over at gun point, and our vehicle searched. We had our four young (all under the age of 8 at the time, including a newborn) children with us.

It was one of worst experiences of my life. I won’t be going back.


I used to go to Windsor a couple of times a month prior to the smoking ban. Why would they think that we are going to spend our money in their bars but then they are going to make us go outside for a smoke? Yeah right, I can stay on this side of the border, go to American Casinos with American Workers, go to bars over here and I can smoke if I so choose. I doubt I will ever go back to Windsor.


I use to take at least one camping trip to Canada every year, and an occasional shopping trip when the exchange rate was good. They were like a friendly younger brother. But in recent years their attitude toward the US has gone sour, and their open display of animosity in their political dealings with the US, as well as hits on our culture from their entertainment industry, has turned me off. Add to that the strengthening Loonie, border hassles and expenses, and what reason is there to make the trip?


Canada is completely two-faced. They forget that we can receive Canadian television in southeastern Michigan, so we know what they’re saying about us. They try so very, very hard at being unlike Americans, and then they whine when we don’t go over there. In fact, the most insulting thing you can do to a Canadian is look at them thoughtfully and say “you know, you’re just like Americans.” Try it, it makes them livid.

All they have to offer anyway is gambling, which is available here, and the sight of their womens’ bodies, which (thank god) is not available here.

Our current governor is a Canadian, to boot. Isn’t that enough? With an export track record like that, who can blame us for avoiding them?


I don’t go over there anymore. I use to when I was 19-20, but everything I can do there, I can do in the states. Maybe when they stop bullying people to get accross the borders, especially the younger generation, people will start going back.


Nope, I won’t spend a dime in Canada and have no desire to ever go back there. I’ll keep my money in the United States, thank you.


I always loved Windsor, the cleanliness, the frendly people, nice restaurants and casino, although the Detroit casinos pay better, but with the hassles at the border it’s just not worth it anymore. It’s too bad, I can’t see myself going back anytime soon.


I do not want too waste my time waiting in line to get into Canada and now I have too wait longer to get back into the USA! I will just stay home! Not worth the hassel with it!!!


We used to go alot, but since Sept.11 happened and the border became a hassle we have stopped going over.


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