Photo Du JourWindsor

WFCU Centre Open House

Yesterday afternoon, the was an open house at the new Tecumseh East, East Side arena. Located downtownbehind a factory towards the eastern city limits, as far as possible from downtown, another temple to the car is going up. Drive in, drive out. It’s the Windsor Way.

As you walk down the service drive from the Lear plant parking lot, the beast rises.

The not-arena part is coming along swimmingly. The arena? Judge for yourself…

The plans for your tax dollars.

For the photo op’s, they even installed a “fake” centre ice.

Under the seating area. The last time you’ll see photos from under here…

Looking from the “large gym” area towards one of the extra community ice pads.

Inside the rink.

A view down the hallway linking the arena to the community centre portion.

This was referred to as the “Concession area”.

Steve Bell of AM800 was the MC for the “press conference” portion of the afternoon.

Blah, blah, blah…

We were graced with Royalty. His Royal Highness King Eddie, Dictator of the Banana Republic of Windsor, sporting a nice smirk too I might add. November 2010 can’t come soon enough….

Some guy from the Credit Union on the left, and former NHL player and current Spits co-owner and GM, Warren Rychel. I do have to say those new Spitfires Throwback Jersey’s are pretty sharp.

Well that it folks, off for more tours.

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