
Now Available…

If you notice over on the navigation bar on the left, there is a new link for the bookstore/shop.

I am happy to announce that the first project is now availabe for sale. I have published it in a manner to attempt to keep the cost as low as possible to you.

This is the first of hopefully several projects. Also planned for this winter are a few reprints of some long out of print rare Windsor Books.

The details on the current project are as follows:

Windsor Modern

Windsor Modern – A companion book to the exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Windsor in the fall of 2007. Click the book cover for details, a preview and ordering information. 49 pages, black and white photographs.


A guidebook to Modern Architecture 1940-1970 in Windsor Ontario Canada
Product Details:
Printed: 49 pages, 6″ x 9″, perfect binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink
Publisher: Andrew Foot
Copyright: © 2007 Andrew Foot
Language: English
Country: Canada

If you’re interested, please buy a copy. Remember your orders help to support the site.

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Recent Comments:

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