Old Newspaper StoriesPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Elmwood Part II

This postcard dates to the late 1940’s and shows the original building before additions.

The building today.

A postcard from the late 1950’s of the entire complex. Like taken after the motel was built in 1956.

A view of the lobby of the motel building. Classic 1950’s design, and hard to see/appreciate from speeding by on Dougall Ave.

A flyer from 1956 advertising an upcoming show with Roberta Sherwood.

A ticket to see Tom Jones from 1972. Note the ticket states “Detroit Time”, as back then, Daylight Savings Time wasn’t always consistent, so there could be an hour difference between Windsor and Detroit.

Another flyer from 1956, showing a partial list of some the entetainment to appear so far, and upcoming shows.

The interior of the brochure showing some interior shots.

Here’s a plan from February 6, 1964 that was never realized:


A $425,000 expansion to the Elmwood Motor Hotel complex to provide. 20,000 square feet of office space and an additional 20 motel units has been announced. Construction is to start soon on the two-storey, 200,000 square foot office building to be located in front of the present motel entrance.

Work is due to start at the same time on construction of 20 motel units, adjoining the last motel section, erected two years
ago. The $200,000 addition is scheduled for completion by June. An additional 18 motel units will be added at a later date, boosting the total number to 105.

The office building, estimated at $205,000, will be located on the southern edge of the Elmwood property. This building of glass and face brick, is designed to influence American businesses as well as companies in Montreal and Toronto to locate branch facilities in Windsor.

Parking facilities will be at the rear of the building, and a 100-car lot for visitors in front. The 10-acre site outside the city limits will be expanded into a $3,000,000 complex of business, entertainment and lodging facilities, the first such project in North America.

The engineering firm of Giffels Associates of Windsor. Leasing for the office building will be handled Through Ivan Thrasher, president of Ivan W. Thrasher Realty Ltd.

The Elmwood complex is owned by Al Siegel, a Toronto businessman, who purchased the property 18 years ago when it was occupied by an old hotel and Casino operation. He rebuilt the premises and the last major addition and remodeling of the supper club eight years ago brought its value up to $1,500,000. The motel constructed seven years ago, is valued at $1,000,000 before the current addition.

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