Photo Du JourWindsor

Farewell Cleary Guest House

Well time has run out for the mid-century guest house. Demolition is set to begin today down at the waterfront. Built in 1957 by the firm of Johnson & McWhinnie, the guest house was made possible by a bequeath to the city laid out in the will of E.A. Cleary. Cleary left $500,000 to the city when he died in 1955 (adjusted for inflation that is equivalent to about 3.8 million in 2007 dollars), with the instructions to build a Civic Auditorium to bear his name, and he earmarked $20,000 of that money to be put towards a Guest House at the new park. The layout and design of the guest house was laid out in his will.

It was to be two stories with restroom and a concession on the main floor. The second floor was to be open on two sides, one facing the city, one facing the river. It was even in his instructions that “WELCOME” was to be put on both ends.

The building eater is in place… Check.

…death fences in place… Check.

…history to be destroyed… Check.

Let the destruction begin!

I hope someone has the foresight to salvage the little Detroit River fact sheet.

Here it is in happier times.

I’m going to really hope that there was a good reason, not related to the demolition that, not one…

…but, two trees needed to be cut down? I can honestly say that the Parks Department and Bill Rosel the City Forester take great care and pride in out trees.

If these two lost trees were to facilitate only demolition, or the future parking lot, that is sad.

A final view of the CGH on its final day. 🙁

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