Kevin Bishop on John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “Christine: Your message is totally flooring me. Thought I’d check my old grade school – John Ross – and found…” Sep 6, 18:04
Christine Hermann on John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “wow, it was so good to see my old public school. And Miss Sternbauer, your comments were so great. You…” Sep 5, 11:39
CatholicTrad on Windsor’s Biggest Architectural Loss: “What a crime that this was demolished. The city has gone downhill ever since. You take out Catholic religious, and…” Aug 2, 21:30
Paul B. Priest on 435 Mill Street – 1957: “I remember this building. The bus would stop and the driver would get off, taking the coin dispenser with him.…” Jul 22, 12:54
HI Andrew,
I remeber the old Killarney. It later became “Punk Rock” club I don’t remember the name though. (can anyone help me out with that one) We had many good times there,through the 80’s…Than it turned into a gay bar.What is it now????
HI Andrew,
I remeber the old Killarney. It later became “Punk Rock” club I don’t remember the name though. (can anyone help me out with that one) We had many good times there,through the 80’s…Than it turned into a gay bar.What is it now????
Hi Mara, I think it was last open as the Windsor Music Cafe, about 3 or 4 years ago. It’s been vacant ever since.
It was called Changes nite club I believe.
No, Changez was on Wyandotte East..a lot further down than 170..used to be my fave hang out in my 20’s : )