
Stairs and Posts...

A few random things from around town over the last few days… New stairs are on their way to the Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue on Gilles Boulevard. It’s an amazing building. If you’ve never been inside, it will be part of Doors Open on September 26th, so make sure you add it to you list of places to see. **************************************************************** Regular…
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Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Lost WindsorWindsor

Weekend Demolition

Last Thursday night, on my way home from work, I was coming up McDougall when look what my eye see… The famous building eaters. A neat old factory, was last used as a place called Rust Shield a subsidiary of Flex-N-Gate, a large US based Auto parts supplier. Like may…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Francois Baby House - 1956

Happy Friday everyone! Time again for another look back at Windsor through some old photos… Today’s photo was snapped August 10, 1956. The Baby house must have been freshly renovated, as there is no lawn, no shutters on the windows and the door is exposed to the…
Old AdsWindsor

487 Ouellette

One of the more overlooked buildings along Ouellette is the current W.S.O. office and former Bank of Nova Scotia building located at 487. It was designed by Toronto archtects Mathers & Haldenby, along with Windsor architect G.A. McElroy who acted as an associate architect on the project. It might be hard to believe but this modern looking building opened its doors in February…
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Apartment BuildingsWindsor

Belvedere Apartments

This buff brick building on Glengarry, just south of Wyandotte has long been a favourite of mine. There’s a mystery to this place that I’ve yet to discover… Built sometime between 1925 and 1937, the building has changed names. (There is no listing of the…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Walkerville Federal Building - 1919

Happy Friday, today’s old photo dates to November 1919, and takes us over to the Walkerville Federal Building on Devonshire, more commonly referred to as the Walkerville Post Office. View Larger Map Surprisingly this view hasn’t changed much in the last 91…
NewsOld PhotographsWindsor


More of a heads up than a post today… but I thought that some readers may be interested in this, and some may even be able to attend. On August 19, 1942, the ill fated raid on Dieppe took place. Of the 553 member of the Essex Scottish Regiment of Windsor who took part in the raid, only 51 were part of the evacuation back to England, two of which died from their wounds. The other 501 soldiers…
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Reader SubmissionWindsor

Riverfront Project - Follow Up

Photo c. 2010 – Chuck Pike Regular reader Chuck Pike, sent along a couple of photos to go with the post the other day about the retention basin. Photo c. 2010 – Chuck Pike Chuck caught these photos of the concrete being treated with Liquid Nitrogen. This is the…

Riverfront Retention Treatment Basin

I figure that many readers haven’t had a chance to poke around and check out all that construction that has closed the riverfront trail and eaten a giant hole in the riverfront east of Caesar’s… Looks like work is progressing nicely. The project has to be…