What If... Walker Power Building
August 17, 2012
So the track across Riverside Drive to Hiram Walker’s has bit the dust. The demolition of the waterfront silos are more than likely, and if they go, suddenly the long neglected Walker Power Building becomes a building with a waterfront view…
How many times have…
Walkerville Built GM Buses
August 15, 2012
From the Border Cities Star – June 6, 1935:
SHOWN above are two streamline General Motors Model
“V” 29 Passenger Coaches which are being delivered to the
Gray Coach Lines, Ltd., a subsidiary oi the Toronto Trans-
portation Commission. The buses now on order…
Erie & Parent - 1935
August 13, 2012
From the Border Cities Star – February 1, 1935:
Spring must be right around the corner. The large steam shovel of the Keystone Contractors is seen above carrying out excavations at the northeast corner of Erie street and Parent avenue, in preparation for erection of two new stores. It is the first time a shovel has been thus employed in Windsor for several years, but may be indicative of…
Norwich Block c. 1998
August 10, 2012
Photo © Allison Brown
Happy Friday everyone! Local musician Allison Brown, sent along this photo she took from the top of the Chatham Street parking garage looking over the old Norwich Block. As Allison pointed out, so many cool businesses in that block.
I personally used…
Ford City - City Hall Demolition
August 8, 2012
Back in November, 2010 there was this post about the City Hall.In that post there were some disagreements over the location of the City Hall.
The photo above comes from the Walkerville Times Collection that was digitized and is housed at the South Western Digital Archive at…
Saint Mary's Part 3
August 3, 2012
Photo © Matt Kulbacki – All rights reserved
Happy Friday everyone, and happy long weekend!
Today the last few pictures from Matt Kulbacki’s series on St. Mary’s in South Windsor. Today’s pictures deal with the demolition of the old school, shot from the neighbourhood on April 29, 1977. In this shot the building starts to collapse on itself.
Photo © Matt Kulbacki – All…
City Hall Rendering
August 1, 2012
Designed by the Windsor firm of Sheppard & Masson, the third and current Windsor City Hall was built in 1957. Threats have stated to surface that it may soon be replaced. Here today is an early architectural rendering of the proposed new City Hall.
I’ll have to…