Farewell Cleary Guest House
May 2, 2007
Well time has run out for the mid-century guest house. Demolition is set to begin today down at the waterfront. Built in 1957 by the firm of Johnson & McWhinnie, the guest house was made possible by a bequeath to the city laid out in the will of E.A. Cleary. Cleary left…
Glenwood United Church
May 1, 2007
While scouring the city coming up with an accurate inventory of mid-century architecure, I came across Glenwood United Church on Grand Maris.
The cornerstone reads 1962, but I have no idea on an architect for this one Architects were J.C. Pennigton & William Carter.
Lancaster Bomber On The Move
April 30, 2007
As a memorial to the Lancaster Bombers and pilots who flew relief missions into Holland during Operation Manna, Windsor’s Lancaster Bomber FM212 is making its way to the Devonshire Mall Parking Lot for a few days. The first public appearance for the Lancaster since being removed from the pedestal in Jackson Park, and entering storage and undergoing restoration.
In an effort to relieve the…
Wilson Park Fieldhouse
April 26, 2007
Next up on the chopping block is the 1920’s era Field house in Wilson Park. As you may or may not know, the city agreed to a land swap with the school board. In exchange for taxpayers giving 3 acres of Wilson park to the School Board to build the replacement to Benson…
What a shocker!
April 25, 2007
Actually, not really…
The Urban Village plan is “on hold”. I’ve been telling my friend who bought a house near the Urban Village proposed location for years that the whole plan was a sham, and that this city will never get its act together enough to…
The Bunker
April 25, 2007
Work continues on the Peace Beacon. Hopefully when it’s done, it will cease to look like a concrete bunker.
When I was at Dieppe Park shooting these photos, I noticed that there are many reapeating elements in the Civic Centre design of Johnson & McWhinnie. The floral compass, as well as some staircases are all made with the same fieldstone that is part of the Cleary Guest…
Grad House Demolition
April 24, 2007
Well, well, well… How’s a little weekend demolition for you?
Smacked down on a Saturday, with a legal challenge pending by a group of students, the U of W, ever the visionaries demolished the 1929 Harry Gignac house.
Despite claims of needed repairs, the whole…
430 Karl - Follow Up
April 23, 2007
Today’s entry is a follow up to last Wednesday’s entry about 430 Karl.
By the time the entry ran last week, the building’s fate was sealed. These photos were taken Thursday morning.
Thanks to Navi for the heads up about the demoliton.
And another one…