Photo Du JourWindsor

CPR Communications Building

I have always wondered about this building on Caron Ave. near Riverside Dr. I figured it was some kind of utility building like a Bell switching station or something. Looking over my architectural list, I noticed this building listed as being built in 1965, by architect Robert Langlois. It’s listed as the C.P.R. Communications Building. Sometimes you stumble across some neat old history on…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Graffiti Gallery

Now generally, I can’t stand graffiti in general, it shows a blatant lack of respect, however every once in a while, you do stumble across some cool stuff in out of the way places. This batch of graffiti, is not only impressive, something most of the graffiti in…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Ticket To Ride

On old Bus Pass A large lot of tickets. Of interest, note the last ticket of the Walkerville-Detroit Ferry is signed by Harrington Walker. Harrington was a Grandson of Hiram, and his house still stand on St. Mary’s Gate, opposite the Chruch in old Walkerville.
Apartment BuildingsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Scott Apartments

If there is one thing this city has in great abundance, it’s architecturally interesting old Apartment Buildings. In the days before the great depression, it was actually quite fashionable to live in an apartment. As a result of this trend many building were built with a look or style to them that showed their importance. Others like the Scott, located at Louis & Brant above were more…
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Bernie Drouillard CollectionPhoto Du JourWindsor

London Street Garage

A few more today from the Bernie Drouillard collection. Today’s batch focuses on the London Street Car Barns. Today London Street is known as University Ave., and the Car Barns are known as “The Junction”. This is the building that today houses The…
Apartment BuildingsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Oxford Apartments

Today’s photo is for Gary, who posted a comment about my neighbourhood recently. In his comment he talked about living for a while in the Oxford Apartments at Elliott and Louis. The Oxford is a three story building with dormers on the roof. There are two main entrances and four addresses assigned to the building. There is also decorative iron work above each entrance. A check of the 1937…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Fire Followup

Just a quick follow up to the massive fire that happened last week. This is the building that fronts Wyandotte St. with the apartments above. Looks like the residents were allowed back in to gather belongings. Hopefully the businesses and their owners on the main floor…
Photo Du JourWindsor

End of an era

After 73 years of serivce, Albert Kahn’s massive foundry is permanently closed as part of “The Way Forward”. As if Windsor’s economy isn’t in the toilet enough, toss another 450 people on to the rolls of the unemployed. The sure don’t…