Photo Du JourWindsor

Walkerville's Shame

Sadly, what should be one of not only Walkerville’s, but also one of Windsor’s grandest homes, has been slowly spiraling into a massive pile of crap. This house on Ontario Street, was built by rum runner Harry Low during the prohibition era. Following…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Seagrave Fire

Thursday night/Friday morning saw a fire over on Walker Rd. at the historic Seagrave Factory. For a bit of background on the building, see this post from March 20th, 2006. Luckily the fire that has been ruled as arson, didn’t cause any major damage to the century old building. Fire officials estimated about $250k in damage, but ruled the building free of structural damage. Most old…
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Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Downtown - 1905

So, 102 years ago, this is how Riverside Drive looked. The saddest thing about the photo above is that over the last century we have managed to demolished every last building visible. To get a similar view today, you would be standing in the middle of Riverside Dr. In front…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Windsor Castle Cafe

This vintage brochure dates to about 1935. This house was the residence of Vital Ouellette and his wife, and originally sat on the corner of Ouellette & Chatham. In the first few years of the 20th century, the Bank of Montreal bought the land on the corner of Chatham…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Then and Now - Drouillard Road

Above is a shot looking north on Drouillard from Wyandotte St., during the Ford Blockade of 1945. Sadly everything north of the Windsor Co-operative Bakery has been demolished. The stairs are now fenced in and filled in with concrete. The entire Drouillard Road Subway is due to be refurbished and repaired in 2007. Even the Windsor Co-operative Bakery still stands. The entire building is now all…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Chrysler Canada Plant no. 1

Today’s entry is for Paul, who recently asked for more information about the old Plant no. 1. Plant 1 stood at the n.e. corner of Tecumseh & McDougall. The site now occupied by a shopping plaza. Plant 1 was originally the plant of the Maxwell-Chalmers Motor Car…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Dominion Fish Hatchery - Sandwich

Here’s another old postcard to take us into the weekend. This one dates to about 1909, and was published by Fred Neal. Neal was a local historian who document life in Sandwich with his book “The Township Of Sandwich” which he published along with a series…