Photo Du JourWindsor

Our Lady Of The Rosary

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Windsor – St. Anne Parish, Windsor No later than 31 October 2007, both Our Lady of the Rosary Parish and St. Anne Parish will close. The territorial boundaries of these two parishes will be absorbed into those of neighboring parishes. This assignment of the respective territories will be decided in the near future upon consultation with the Deanery of…
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DetroitGreat Lakes BoatsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Ste. Claire

Built in 1910, and along with her sister ship, 1902’s Columbia, the Ste. Claire ferried passengers from Detroit to Boblo Island until Labor Day 1991. The ship has a capacity of 2500(!) passengers. The ship was purchased by new owners in 2006 who are trying to restore…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor


From the AM 800 Website: HISTORIC SIGNS STOLEN 2007-08-22 15:07:46 Two historical signs in Walkerville have been stolen from a construction site. The bronze signs were posted at the corner of Walker Road and Wyandotte Street East in 1934 as part of the underpass. They…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Old Post Cards

This past weekend, I came acorss a few old postcards for sale at Magpie Antiques & Collectibles. They don’t follow any particular theme, but they were just something I thought I would share. Both cards date to the mid 1960’s. NEW METROPOLE SUPPER CLUB 917…
Old Newspaper StoriesPhoto Du JourWindsor

Elmwood Casino - Part III

The first incarnation of the Elmwood Hotel, which was fined several times for liquor violations was destroyed in a $50,000 fire, December 19, 1943. The owners at the time seemed to flout any rules openly, and were constantly under scrutiny. They started building the “new” Elmwood in 1944, and were in trouble for building with steel despite a war time embargo against steel use due to…
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Old Newspaper StoriesPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Elmwood Part II

This postcard dates to the late 1940’s and shows the original building before additions. The building today. A postcard from the late 1950’s of the entire complex. Like taken after the motel was built in 1956. A view of the lobby of the motel building. Classic…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Danruss Building

First off I apologize. Today was supposed to be Part II of our look at the Elmwood Casino and Hotel. However, on my way home last night, I passed by one of my favorite streamlined buildings in the City (not that there are that many…) and noticed that someone had…