Photo Du JourWindsor

Walker Road Underpass

As Windsor is crippled by the Walker Road closure, you don’t hear too much about the status of the project these days. With nearly no one around, and Walker Rd. silent, I decided to take a trip down there to see what’s going on. It looks like the tracks have been raised significantly from where the grade crossing was before construction was. The Bridge appears to be partially in…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

McPherson Lounge - Electa Hall

Back before Christmas, there was a post on Cody Hall, and in the comment, the discussion turned to McPherson Lounge in Electa Hall. Today’s photos come from regular reader westerntragedy, who visited McPherson Lounge, and happened to have his camera. 🙂 As a side…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Dougall Avenue School

This might bring back some memories for some of my readers. The original Dougall Ave. School was built in 1904, and stood until 1990, when in the name of progress, the School Board smacked her down, for a modern box. The replacement school was opened on the same site in…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Chopp's Market

Today’s entry, comes by way of reader Steve, who submitted this flyer he found in his house. The flyer made its way behind the kitchen cabinets, against the wall where it sat since 1953. How about a pound of rice for 19 cents? A “peck” of potatoes? Yeah, I had to look it up. Look like it was a 20 lb. bag. Steve also told me in the email that the building was still standing. So…
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Essex CountyPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Sunnyside Hotel

The Sunnyside Hotel in Lasalle is featured in this postcard postmarked from 1934. During Prohibition the Sunnyside was one of the many popular places you could still get a drink. It was a regular hangout for Detroit’s infamous Purple Gang, Jean Harlow also paid a visit…
DetroitPhoto Du JourWindsor

Dress Optional

One of my recent acquisitions was this ephemera from the first Freedom Festival in 1959. A thank you letter, and a ticket to the Consular Ball were included. Both mayors were the honorary chairs of the event. The backside of the letter has quite the list of the member of…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor


A couple of photos today from Wayne State’s excellent Virtual Motor City Project. This photo was dated Jan 12, 1965. Taken at Dieppe Park, the identity of the man, if ever know is long lost. It is however a great shot of the Riverside Dr. frontage of the Norwich…