Old Newspaper StoriesPhoto Du JourWindsor

The New General Store

Mark this date down. I discovered when it is that Windsorites decided that big box shopping was way better than supporting the local shops. It’s been going on for 40 years. However 40 years ago, those stores still stocked items made in this country. Now I realize, that many jobs have moved overseas and they’re never coming back. At least the best we can do is buy those Chinese made…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Belleperche Block

Every once in a while, I’ll stumble across a building I’ve probably been past many times without noticing. One such building I recently noticed was this one, the Belleperche Block, built in 1914. Located on the west side of Pierre St., just south of Wyandotte…
Photo Du JourWindsor


The Art Gallery of Windsor played host to TVO’s AgendaCamp yesterday. The event was well attended, and brought about a good level of discourse. The results of yesterday’s sessions are available online, as well as the follow up broadcast tonight at 8:00 pm, live…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Riverside Drive

Here’s a neat old postcard view of Riverside Dr. from the 1950’s. It looks like you can see Belle Isle off in the distance in this one, and I think the shot is looking east from somewhere around where the end of Reaume Park is today. As you can see in this aerial view from 1949, Reaume Park is brand spankin’ new, and built on reclaimed land. Note in the back ground of the…
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NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Odds and Ends & Stuff to do this Weekend...

First off, a friendly jab towards our friends at the Windsor Star. For the third time I know of, International Metropolis has scooped the Star, with a posting here. So much for the blogs not being “real media”. Actually I kid, it’s only in Windsor where…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Farewell Top Hat

A sad day for Windsor Saturday as one more piece of our past was lost to the wrecking ball. As usual of late, a weekend rolls around, and something’s being demolished. Maybe someone out there knows the answer, but why are buildings never demolished during the week? The Top Hat was one of the few remaining links, back to the days when our Downtown wasn’t set up to only cater to…
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Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Maple Leaf Motel & Restaurant

Anyone out there remember anything about this place? There was a Maple Leaf Restaurant on Pelisser St. in the 1950’s, that served Chinese Food, but I’m not sure if there’s any relation. I wonder if there’s any relation between the place above and the…

Audition Call

The Windsor Symphony Orcehestra along with the Windsor Light Music Threatre are putting on a production of Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” Maybe someout out there might be interested in taking part in the tryouts. I was passed along this press release…