
Reminder - Special Olympics Icewine Event

Don’t forget tomorrow – January 31st, the Special Olympics is holding an event at the Roundhouse…. Get out there and check it out, it should be good! Here’s the website: Here’s the blog: ###################################################### ICEWINE AND DESSERT A SWEET COMBINATION…
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Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Henkel Mansion

Back in January 2007, I posted a photo of the Henkel Mansion in Ford City. I recently stumbled across this article in the Border Cities Star, dated September 5, 1925: New Ford Administration Building The magnificent building shown above, was until last spring, the Henkel…

Time for a Shameless Plug...

Shameless plug time…. Tonight at Tango – 4661 Wyandotte St. East, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm – Tango is a cool shop, along with its sister shop Magpie Antiques a few doors down towards Pilette. So come on by and browse the shop. While you’re there…
Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

St. Mary and St. Moses

Once again we take a look at one of the grand old churches in the city core. This one like Immaculate Conception, and St. Claire’s, were the victim’s of the Bishop’s “Great Church Purge of ’02™” Back in 2002, the Bishop of London, passed down word that some of Windsor’s oldest and most historic churches were to be closed. St. Claire’s at…
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All Gone...

The insatiable hunger of the building eaters was on full display Saturday afternoon, as the Prince of Wales was devoured by the steel monsters. Yummy! Nice black cloud of dust for the operator… 🙂 When I arrived the east wing, built in 1927 was gone, and they were…

Something to do next weekend...

As some of you may or may not know, the Special Olympics are coming to Windsor this summer. A slew of events are planned leading up to the games, many of which are being overlooked by the traditional media… So in the interest of community service, and to help spread…
Essex CountyOld AdsWindsor

Streetcar Friday

Continuing our fine sometime tradition of “Streetcar Friday”, I present this ad than ran for the Hydro Electric Railways, June 23, 1928. Interurban service to Amherstburg. When streetcar service was ended, this line to Amherstburg became a bus line. Now, public transit service to the county is non-existent. It’s funny how far society has both advanced and retreated in the last…
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Apartment BuildingsOld Newspaper StoriesWindsor

The Grier Apartments

From the June 4, 1913 issue of the Evening Record: WALKERVILLE’S FIRST APARTMENT HOUSE Realizing the need of an apartment house in Walkerville, Mr. Charles Chilver of Walkerville, has erected one of the most modern and up-to-date structures of its kind in this…

The Union Men's Shop

Patrick O Ryan’s, before it was the bar… Today’s photo was sent in by regular reader Ken, who gives me the date for this photo as being in the Mid to Late 80’s. Another great old sign there on that one. Back in the 1940’s that must have been an…