Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Henkel Mansion

Back in January 2007, I posted a photo of the Henkel Mansion in Ford City.

I recently stumbled across this article in the Border Cities Star, dated September 5, 1925:

New Ford Administration Building

The magnificent building shown above, was until last spring, the Henkel Mansion in Ford City. With the extensive beautiful grounds on which it stands, this structure was acquired last spring by the Ford City Parks Board, and has since been offered to the municipality for an administrative building. The grounds surrounding this building have been turned over to the town as a ready made park, and with the purchase of additional lands adjoining this property, Ford is now in possession of a municipal park and athletic field that is not equaled anywhere in the Border Cities.

Quite the mansion. That stretch of Riverside Drive was once known as Millionaires Row. Today, only the Frank Joyce house remains.


To everyone who came out last night, thank it was great to see you.

Special thanks to both Jim and Jamie. Jamie, it was nice to finally meet you.

Have a good weekend everyone, see you back here Monday.

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