Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Odds and Ends...

Here are some historic photos from the International Metropolis Archives. This one is for reader Brian who asked about the Henkel House. The photo is captioned “Robert Henkel House”, 1913. Chrysler Canada Plant # 3 – 1933 Chrysler Canada Plant # 1 – 1933 – Tecumseh Rd & McDougall Ave. Ford Canada Powerhouse, where new boliers and equipment, recently…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Old Photos 1910 - Part I

Some of these I may have posted before, others maybe not… These are from my personal collection, and they date to about 1910-1915… The Canadian Club sign on the docks at Walkerville. It was designed by Albert Kahn. Riverside Dr. (then Sandwich St.) looking east from around Ferry St. Note the sign for the Evening Record on top of the buildings on the left. That was their home until…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Old Photos - 1930's - 1940's Part 1

These are all old photos that I had posted on the old site. From the collection of Bernie Drouillard, these were scanned and sent to me by John Stefani. Thanks to both of them for sharing the collection. This shot from the 1940’s shows Tecumseh Road near Albert, were…
DetroitOld PhotographsPostcards

Sincerely yours, Richard W. Reading

MAYOR RICHARD W. READING’S WORK MUST GO IN! Under the Reading administration the city’s total bonded indebtedness has been reduced $15,123,406! Under the Reading administration traffic fatalities have been cut 41%! Dick Reading, for his elimination of sit-down…
DetroitOld PhotographsPhoto Du Jour

Eastland Mall - Original Proposal

** Welcome Wikipedians! ** Eastland Mall on Eight Mile Rd., in Harper Woods, was built in 1957. Originally an open air mall, it was later enclosed and became just like every other mall. The main anchor tenant was J.L. Hudson’s. However the Eastland built in 1957…