Old PhotographsWindsor

Ouellette Avenue 1970

Here’s an interesting photo. It was taken September 24, 1970 shortly after the opening of the Ouellette Avenue Mall. The info on the back indicates the musicians are: Pat Ciccone Frank Ciccone Angelo Russo and the kid is Christopher Bennett – 2 yrs old The photo is amazing, it’s neat to see a Windsor with the downtown streets packed. September 24th was a Thursday to boot. What…
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Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Park Theatre

The photo above was taken at the grand opening in 1940. From the Windsor Star: May 17, 1940: Windsor’s newest and most modern theatre – The Park – located on Ottawa street between Hall and Moy avenues, will open its doors tonight at 6:30 p.m. Above is shown…
Essex CountyOld PhotographsReader Submission

RCSS No. 4 Anderdon

Today’s reader submission comes from Kari who found this photo amongst photos that came from her Grandfather’s house. On the back of this photo it simply reads: R.C.S.S. No 4 Anderdon Now, most of my knowledge of our history is confined to the city. Is anyone out…
Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

J.L. Hudson's Summer Cottage

From the Evening Record, July, 1912: Photo of the French homestead up the river front above Walkerville, which was purchased by the late J.L. Hudson and is being renovated and repaired to carry out Mr. Hudson’s plans for providing a summer cottage for the accommodation of the women clerks in the Hudson store in Detroit. I believe this house was knocked down in the early 1920’s and in…
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Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Universal Car Building

Back in February, we paid a visit to the corner of Chatham & Ferry. Since that time, I’ve come across some supplemental information about the building. From the Evening Record: February, 1913: The new universal car building, at the corner of Ferry and Chatham…
Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Yawkey Farms

This came from a reader named Ken. He received this photograph from his grandmother in 1995, and was wondering if anyone knew anything about the barn pictured here? Yawkey Farms was located (I believe) out towards the Brighton Beach/Ojibway area, and was so named due to the…
Apartment BuildingsOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Dieppe Park Apartments

Located at the corner of Bruce and Pitt St. W. in downtown Windsor, this building has always struck me as odd due to the three story white siding that surrounds all the Window openings… Here’s an aerial view of the building, it is surrounded on the north side by the Palmer Apartments, and what was the Billings Apartments to the west. Interesting to note that the building to the left…
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Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Central United Cornerstone

A few weeks back, we took a look at Central United Church on Ouellette Avenue. The photo above comes from a reader Scott, who is the 5th generation at Central United. Above is a photo taken in 1904 at the laying of the cornerstone of the new (and present) church. A neat…
Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

952 Victoria Avenue

The photo above ran in the Border Cities Star in November, 1927: More evidence of the building that has gone on in the Border Cities this season is shown above in the English type cottage, completed at 666 Victoria avenue, between Ann and Erie streets. Steven F. Robarts is…