Going through some old photos over the weekend, I came across this one of the old Changez By Nite on Wyandotte St E, opposite the 7-11. This is before the building became a shelter. As i recall a wind storm had knocked the parapet wall down, causing bricks to tumble into the street. I was worried it was a sign of impending demolition, so I went to get a few shots of the building in anticipation of it being lost. The building was repaired, and still stands, although Changez is long gone.
Any one out there have any memories of this place? I remember spending lots of time there in my younger days, lot of good times in that place.
Kinda wanna see pictures of the inside and upstairs. My mom told me of how the upstairs was a boxing ring back in it’s heyday. Funny enough My mom lived in the above store apartments when she was growing up and then moved back in there when I was a kid. I think we only lived there for a year or two but it was pretty cool as I look back on it now.