The photographer caught Mr. Frank J. Mitchell, Windsor’s new mayor, in the act of taking his oath of office this morning, and secured an interesting picture The top photograph shows Mayor Mitchell being administered the oath by City Clerk Dickinson in the Mayor’s office. An intimate study is also seen in the lower picture, which depicts Herbert W. Wilson, retiring mayor, bidding farewell to his successor and conferring well-wishes upon this community’s chief executive for 1924.

Frank Mitchell served as mayor from 1924-1926. He died in 1949 at age 65, when he died of a heart attack at Beach Grove while golfing in a Rotary Club tournament. He was active in philanthropic ventures following his political days, being active in helping children with cerebral palsy. He was president of the Gotfredson Truck company, and served as a councilor prior to becoming mayor.
Herbert Wilson served as mayor from 1921-1923. He spent seven years as a councilor and was also a member of the Water Commission for four. He was born in England and moved to Windsor at 19 around 1900. He was active in business as well as building homes around the city as a general contractor. He died at 49 in 1931, taking his own life at a house he owned at 1516 Dougall. He was unaffected by the depression and left an estate of around $100,000 (about $2 million in 2023 dollars). It is said he built most of the homes on Chilver & Windermere roads in Walkerville between Richmond and Cataraqui.
Mitchell Park on Giles West is named in honour of Frank Mitchell