The rendering above is from 1927 for a proposed Hiram Walker memorial to be erected in Willistead Park. The plans were drawn up by Detroit architect William Egerton N. Hunter. W E N Hunter was a very prolific church architect who had works built across Michigan, and as far away as Hamilton, Ontario (Hunter’s hometown). He was behind the design for Central Methodist Church on Ouellette, which is still standing.
Walkerville ratepayers will vote Monday on a bylaw providing for the expenditure of $10,000 to construct the memorial shown in the sketch in honor of the late Hiram Walker, founder and benefactor of the municipality. The memorial, if approved, will be located at the north side of Willistead, the beautiful mansion erected by E. Chandler Walker, a son of the founder, and later donated to the town as a municipal building.
Sadly, the referendum to vote for memorial had very low turnout, and a total of 391 ballots were cast. The final tally was:
145 For 246 Against. With a majority of 101 votes, the Walker Memorial was defeated.