A view of the Masonic Temple at Ouellette & Erie. Designed by J. C. Pennington, it is a designated structure, and still standing. I’m sure there’s lots of people out there with memories of this place. Rock shows, dances, weddings…
Recent Comments:
- Chinee Villa: “Was excellent food! Anyone who claims not to have been impressed is just speaking on behalf of an inferior competitor.” Jan 26, 15:35on
- St. Dennis Hall: “Hubby, myself and a bunch of union folk attended that Feb ’80 Harry Chapin concert at St. Dennis Hall. WOSH…” Jan 22, 17:31on
- Hi-Ho: “Paulfortin1212@gmail.com the number of errors in the history of the fast food driv-n inWindsor in Windsor Ontario are to numerous…” Jan 1, 12:44on
- Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?” Nov 7, 09:49on
- Sprawltastic: “I’m revisiting this post from the future. I saw a number of comments asking how this subdivision would hold up…” Oct 8, 15:38on
I went to a few concerts there the most memorable was July 14, 1971. Headlining the show was MC5 – wow were they loud and very good. I hung around out front talking with friends after the concert and Rob Tyner and John Sinclair came out with a briefcase , which looked so ‘businessmen like’ , so out of character for their image! Here’s the poster for that concert: http://theconcertdatabase.com/sites/theconcertdatabase.com/files/1971-07-14.jpg
I have pictures of a building being demolished this week at the university. I took the pictures in April.
Please let me know how I can contact the author of the website to send these photos?
Used to go to the Sat. night dances there, they had a live 15 piece band, big band music not rock & roll. Many pleasant from that time.
Kresges had Christmas parties there for the employees during the 60’s.
Forgot to add the time 1957 and 1958. When the Masonic closed for the summer dances where held in grandstand at Jackson Park, it burned down in June 1957.