Lost WindsorRenderingsUnbuiltWindsor

Proposed Parking Garage – 1927 – Victoria and Park

    In the accompanying illustrations are shown the proposed 300 cars or more ramp garage building to be erected at the north east corner of Victoria Avenue and Park Street by Securities Development, Limited, owners of the new Security office building. The smaller drawing below gives an excellent idea of how cars are driven in and stored in a garage of this type. The main function of these garages – always erected in central downtown locations – is to provide handy and complete service for business and professional men. An expenditure approximating $400,000 is contemplated in connection with the above project. Secretary C.A. Ripley, of Securities Development, Limited, stated this morning. Three houses will be removed to make way for this latest addition to Windsor’s modern facilities.

Another one to add to the collection of unbuilt Windsor.

Hope everyone had a nice long weekend.

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