Recent Comments:
- Chinee Villa: “Was excellent food! Anyone who claims not to have been impressed is just speaking on behalf of an inferior competitor.” Jan 26, 15:35on
- St. Dennis Hall: “Hubby, myself and a bunch of union folk attended that Feb ’80 Harry Chapin concert at St. Dennis Hall. WOSH…” Jan 22, 17:31on
- Hi-Ho: “Paulfortin1212@gmail.com the number of errors in the history of the fast food driv-n inWindsor in Windsor Ontario are to numerous…” Jan 1, 12:44on
- Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?” Nov 7, 09:49on
- Sprawltastic: “I’m revisiting this post from the future. I saw a number of comments asking how this subdivision would hold up…” Oct 8, 15:38on
Yes, so please go to the Remembrance Day activities on NOve. 11 at the cenotaph in City Hall or your local cenotaph.
Nice one Andrew. This is very nice and I still like your previous one.
My father flew aboard a Lancaster with the RAF in england as navigator across the english channel during WW2 on bombing runs against the Nazi’s came back to windsor after the war and dropped dead from a massive heart attack at age 35 it’s just not right!!
Great photos andrew thank you for posting them