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May 2012

Prime Minister’s Visit – 1963

A UPI Telephoto – dated March 6, 1963

    Prime Minister John Diefenbaker helps Mrs. Diefenbaker down train steps upon arrival here 3/6. Prime Minister Diefenbaker campaigned in the Windsor, Ont., industrial area. The latest chapter in the nuclear controversy that toppled Diefenbaker’s conservative government was a report from Washington D.C., 3/5 that the Prime Minister had revealed classified U.S. defence information. Diefenbaker was pressed for comment on the report 3/6 during his campaign swing.

The P.M.s visit didn’t rate that highly with the Windsor Star, and his visit to the Walkerville station, only had a small story that was relegated to Page 3.

Have a good weekend everyone! See you back here Monday.


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  • A decent PM who pissed the bed with the cancellation of the Avro Arrow. What a legacy...which of course opened the door for LP (a good PM) but also for that bastard Trudeau.

  • Sorry Dave. Lester was no prize either. Anyone who makes it illegal for a citizen to be knighted by the Queen simply because he didn't seems pretty childish to me. Yet another in a long line of sub par Canadian leaders.

  • Judging by the current crop of party leaders where on a downhill slide. These lossers make some of the past PMs look very good.

  • The arrow was Louis st Laurents mess, dieffenbaker just had tr misfortune of cleaning it up

  • The history of the Avero Arrow is described in the Whiphdia site Avero Canada CF-105 Arrow.
    You can see reasons why it was not built, and their are some storys the US did not want it built. At the time this was considered the most advanced plane in the world.

  • There were many reasons for the demise of the Arrow. Deifenbaker had a personality clash with Crawford Gordon plus he was out to demolish anything St. Laurent worked on.

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