The photo above ran in The Border Cities Star – July 7, 1928:
- This corner, the intersection of Pitt and Ferry streets, is one ot the most dangerous for
pedestrian and wheel traffic in the city. The photograph is taken facing north on Ferry, from beside The Border
Cities Star building. In addition to being the southbound route from the Detroit ferry, it ls complicated by the
street cars which make a ternnnal loop in the square bounded by Ouellette, Sandwich, Ferry and Pitt streets.
Moreover, although Ferry street is one-way from the ferry to Pitt and all wheel traffic is supposed to stop at
the Pitt street intersection, a great many American tourists disregard the stop sign. This intersection is a mighty
good place for pedestrian and motorist to look out for trouble.
The Windsor Star offices, visible on the left, is the only thing that is still standing today.
walked down there this afternoon lol and i almost got hit LOL this is funny hahahahaaaaaa hahahahaha but im alive and well thank god ! LOL
Damn those pesky Americans.
It can still sometimes be scary to cross Ferry as a pedestrian…
At one time the street cars use to sit on Ferry between Sandwich / Riverside Dr and Pitt St., as the waiting room was at the south west corner were the St. Clair Center for the Arts is today. The cars would then turn east on Pitt to Ouellette Ave. where they would go off on there routes, so this intersection must had been busy as most street cars lines used this route.
Out of the six or seven gorgeous old buildings in the original pic, how many are left today?
1 only shawn ! sad eh?
2! Isn’t that the Loop on the right?
I once gently ‘bumped’ someone when I was heading North on Ferry, just after the one way ended. The only time I’ve ever hit anyone and it was that intersection!
Aaron, no the “loop” is not seen in the picture. The building is where yet another surface is located in the street-view on the right.
Haven’t you figured it out yet. When Windsor destroys a building a surface lot is born. That, is progress! sarcasm off.
In the days leading up to the capital budget deliberations there were suggestions of the re-introduction of an east-west streetcar route to serve the core. Was this proposal discussed at the capital budget session of April 6, 2011? I think such a route from Sandwich Town to Walkerville with a loop to the downtown riverfront would be both useful and support tourism.