DemolitionDetroitLost WindsorWindsor

2010 – The Year In Review

Well here we are again, another year in the book, and another chance to take a look back the demolition tally of 2010. This year there was a lot of demolitions, some of them due to DRIC, some of them not…


1017 Ouellette, this one came down hopefully to help make the future brighter for the neighbouring Medical Arts building.

The Towing Yard at Walker & The EC Row

The Northern Belle Entrance

1181 Ouellette and to the rear…

1170 Pelissier… Demolished for vacant lots.

This old Factory on McDougall, just north of Tecumseh Rd. Stories about a medical plaza exist… we’ll see I suppose.

On the eastside…. The Top Valu Gas Station.

At at Lauzon and Riverside, the old Edgewater Marine Building bit the dust too.

DRIC brought down this 1920’s era house on Grand Marais near Huron Church.

DRIC also erased the neighbouring King Kone.

This great old craftsman styled bungalow at 636 University went up in flames in October.

The Luben Apartments in Brush Park in Detroit. Arson also brought down this unique building at the end of November.

And last, but certainly not least….

Coming down in only the last few days of 2010, add St. Anthony’s on Parent to the list.

Hopefully the 2011 edition is smaller, but given the short sightedness of the area, I doubt it. I believe there are already a few buildings listed on the inventory that are threatened for 2011.

If there are any obvious demolitions that I’ve missed (including any notable DRIC ones), please plop them into the comments below…

Thanks again to all of you for a great year, and for your continued readership. Have a fun and safe new year’s eve, and I’ll see you all back here Monday for the first post of 2011!


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