
Royal Windsor Hotel

To file under the “Unbuilt Windsor” section, two renderings for Royal Windsor Hotel (also designed by Trace, O’Dell & Diehl), one from 1927, and one from 1928. The hotel grew during the year that passed between these two renderings, and it was never built. I’m not sure what killed it off, if it was lack of financing or simply that the project dragged on so long it ran into the depression… You can see where the hotel was supposed to go, on the north end of the property.

From 1927

This is an artists’ conception of the proposed new Royal Windsor Hotel, to cost in the neighbourhood of $2,500,000, which, it is expected, will be erected in 1928-1929. Since the drawing was made it has been decided to erect a 28 to 30 storey building and it will probably be the tallest structure in all the British Empire. The hotel will stand at the corner of London (University) and DOugall. It is to be built by the Greater Windsor Development Company, Limited. Trace and Diehl are the architects. The company is already engaged in the construction of a ramp garage and 64-family apartment house on the adjecent property. The entire development, hotel, garage and apartment house, is to go under the name of Royal Windsor. The hotel, which calls for the most modern construction, is to be surmounted by a radio tower, on the top of which a modern radio station is to be erected.

From 1928:

Before construction of the new apartment building and garage was completed, however, plans has been announced far a large and up-to-date hotel to be know as the Royal Windsor. The financing of this project is now being arranged, and the company has reported that the plans are almost completed, and that construction will start immediately the proposition is financed soundly. (sic)

The new structure will rise in the same block as the other buildings now owned and controlled by the company. It will occupy the vacant property at the southeast corner of London Street and Dougall Avenue. The financing is being carried on by Charles O. Maus, managing director of the company.

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