
Prince of Wales – Part 3

The third and final installment. I promise. 🙂

To the basement…

A view of one of the basement classrooms.

One of the staircases. As we go lower, the water damage becomes more evident.

Boiler room…

No lights, and not much going on. Although I spy some yummy asbestos on the duct work…

This is the set of stair I referenced in part one. This phantom staircase would have lead up to the front door. Why they sealed the stairs off in the lobby, but not from the basement, I have no idea…

Some nice built in cabinets…

Basement bathroom…

The other staircase.

The old Prince of Wales logo was still on the gym wall.

At the end of the day, another one is lost, gone forever….

Like most buildings, the time to try and save this one, would have been 10 years ago, as the University let it sit idle. However too little too late.

It is a shame though that a School Building couldn’t have been adapted for re-use as a school building…

It seems that once again the cheap way to go wins out. With a bit of vision this could have been an amazing reuse project, incorporating the old into the new engineering building. Hopefully John Campbell can become a shining example for others to try and strive for.

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