
Demo Time

This past week, I was taken out of town on some family business, and spent last week in our nation’s capital. First off, let me say our winters are nothing compared to up there. On Wednesday Ottawa got 30 cm (12 inches) of snow… even when it does snow in Windsor, at least Essex county is flat…

However, lately it seems that every time I am out if town, things get knocked down. Last week was no exception. The first full week of 2009, has already seen the first two demolitions of the year, no news here as we’ve been waiting for them, but the Royale Tavern and The Prince of Wales are no more. Just like the TD Bank block clearance, and Christ The King, I was again out of town… Luckily some east siders, managed to grab some photos of the Royale and send them along. Anyone get any photos of Prince of Wales? I’m headed out to the U. today to co-host Scaledown radio (Noon-1:00 pm – 91.5 CJAM) with Chris Holt so I’ll grab some post demo photos later this afternoon.

From Darren, taken with his camera phone.

From regular reader CP. Like in Darren’s photo above, only the front facade remains

A view from the back shows the majority of the building scraped away.

Next door the old hair salon (formerly a liquor store) is gone, only the gaping hole to the basement remains… Anyone know why it’s left like an open pit?

Thanks to Darren and CP for getting out and shooting a few photos for us.

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