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September 2008

National Auto Radiator

If last week was tour week, then this week is old ad’s/then and now week…

From December 1952:

National Auto Radiator, better known as the Narmco Group today.

Look at the little tiny factory…

It’s still there on Airport Rd., only there has been an expansion or two in the last 56 years…

As you can see, the rest of the complex has sprouted up around the original section…

They’ve got to be one of Windsor’s oldest homegrown Automotive Suppliers.


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  • Family run company, locally educated, HQ'd out of Windsor with a dozen branches in North America that even supplies stuff to Toyota. Over half a billon in sales employing over 1100 people and still expanding. Didn't know that Windsor still had it. Interesting 5 minute video on their website.

  • They just closed one location Falcon Tool & Die in Windsor this past August. A couple of others not doing so well. They have a reputation of mistreating their employees.

  • Yeah sure, and CAW has a reputation for bankrupting a lot of companies and putting a lot of people out of work, Guido. How many automotive jobs have been lost in this city in the past decade? How many of them were union? Open your eyes!

  • FYI most of the NARMCO plants including the one pictured above is unionized and for a long time. Wages for most of the workers at National are $21.00- $30.00/hr not including benefits.
    Why are they still in operation? According to your beliefs and alot of others it should not even be in operation because it's unionized.
    I'm not going to continue this on this blog because you only want to see it your way. I've been through this with you before. You are a very bitter person towards unions, maybe it's jealousy, maybe you were fired and the union could not get you back in, maybe you were not fortunate enough to get in, or you know you would not be able to sustain the work in a factory and never applied.

  • So, it's unionized and you're still complaining that they have a "reputation for mistreating their employees". I'm totally expecting that unions would continue to slam their employers instead of standing behind them and building their company's reputation. It's become everything that's wrong with this city. If I had a company that became unionized, I'd shut it down and move to China or Mexico where they want my business.

    Who wants to buy products from a company where the employees don't believe in the product and instead just slam their employers? It's a two-way street. You can't slam your employers on a blog. making the company look bad, and then expect them to have work for you in the future instead of layoffs. If you don't like where you work, then quit, collect welfare and become a bum, find a job somewhere else or start your own company. You've got options. But, don't bite off the hand that feeds you or you're ruining it for everyone that lives in this city.

  • I worked at National Auto Rad for a couple summers while in university. Best paying summer job I ever had. Glad to hear it has survived the current economic climate.

    The Liberals and Conservatives are the ones who deserve blame for the decline of manufacturing in Ontario. The "free trade" agreements of the past 20 years have given away the farm. If the Tories and Grits had been fighting to include labour standards in those agreements we would not be in the dire position we are currently.

  • Probably not the place to discuss how they treat their workers. I will say that I deal with a lot of their engineers and they're all really nice people. Most have been with the company for years and years. Most of our clients are quiet right now in this industry and things have slowed down but NARMCO is still sending us work. So, they're definitely doing something right.

  • how did this picture become a union issue?

    "If you don’t like where you work, then quit, collect welfare and become a bum" ----- what's that supposed to mean? so david, if you loose your job and MUST go on welfare (which YOU have been paying into for just such an occasion) to keep a roof over your head, it's appropiate for me to lable you as a "bum" or would you prefer "homeless person", "vegabond", "vagrant" ?????? or would you be totally offended and hurt that you've tried your best and life dealt you a bad hand beyond your control. then i come along and accuse you of leeching off the system?? they all mean the same thing david. i know there's alot of people that abuse it, but there are more that need that support until they can get back on their feet or else they really do become bums.

    every company is going to have bad times, especially right now. if they didn't have that union they wouldn't be layed off at all....they'd be fired, AND ON WELFARE.

    what an ignorant comment. you should really consider the countless people that read this blog day in and day out david.

  • I can see valid points raised by both David and Guido this time. But the fact NARMCO has weathered the storm in Windsor's manufacturing sector thus far rises above all the pro/anti union rhetoric. Obviously NARMCO/CAW is doing something right in this instance - management for keeping the business viable and the union for negotiating what is obviously a very good collective agreement. We've got enough bad stuff going on elsewhere in this city's manufacturing sector without making NARMCO a point of contention.

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